Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Walk Across The Room

This week, our church began a new 4-week campaign that I'm so excited about. It's called, "Just Walk Across the Room," by Bill Hybels, pastor of Willow Creek.

Now, wouldn't you agree with me, that as believers in Christ, we all believe that evangelism is an essential part of what God commands us to do? But, even though we "believe" that evangelism is essential, and we "believe" that God calls us to do it, many of us find it difficult to actually "do?"

I know that at times, I can find it hard to do, and I also know that I have had many friends share with me that it's embarrassing, or that they feel awkward, or that they don't know enough to share with others, causing them to feel uncomfortable ... that's why I just love the premise that 1) it's as simple as walking across the room and then 2) starting a spiritual conversation with someone who doesn't know Christ! A simple hello, combined with a genuine interest in a person's life -- why -- it could actually change their life forever, making an eternal difference in their life!

I'm pretty confident in saying that in each of our lives (yours and mine), at some point in time, someone has actually "walked across the room" and spoken into our own lives, and it has made an everlasting, eternal difference. It may be that one person may have walked across the room and planted a seed, another may have walked across the room to water it, while yet another person may have actually walked across the room to lead us to salvation and actually reap the harvest! But someone actually took the time to make contact with us, show interest in our life, and share the Gospel with us. I personally have 4 unsaved co-workers that I am currently witnessing and ministering to, and it would bring me so much joy to hear them say one day ... "GiBee cared enough to walk across the room and share about God's love with me, and now, he is my personal Lord and Savior."


Here's a couple things I personally want to share with y'all:

1) In the Great Commission, Christ gave his disciples a mission. What was that mission? TO MAKE DISCIPLES. That is the mission of every church, and every member of the body of Christ -- we are to contribute toward "making disciples," remembering that we are not alone -- Christ is with us always!

Matthew 28:19-20 -- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

2) Do not be frightened or worried about what to say, or what to do, because we are promised a power that is so great! Bill Hybles sums it up very clearly -- "All you need is a heart that’s in tune with the Holy Spirit and a willingness to venture out of your “Circle of Comfort” and into another person’s life." That just sounds so easy, doesn't it? But it is, when we focus on one key point ... "the power of the Holy Spirit!"

You will not be left empty handed when sharing the truth of Christ's love and sacrifice for sinners -- You see, in order to do spiritual work, we need spiritual power -- We can bet that when we go out in the POWER of the Holy Spirit, he will accomplish God's Work through us! This power comes from the Spirit of God, it gives us the words to speak, it opens the eyes of the blind and the hearts of unbelievers, and it is promised to you, and to me!

Acts 1:8 -- "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."


So as you can see ... I'm so excited about this book ... because it lays out sharing the gospel in a way that anyone can do it ... starting with just a few steps across the room ... So, I'm pretty sure you'll read a post or two about the series we're doing in the next few weeks as I learn to build God's kingdom by building relationships, and sharing personal faith stories in a compelling, non-threatening way.

Our job now is to look around ... open our eyes ... and find someone that we can walk across the room to, and share the Gospel with!

In the mean time, if your church isn't launching this campaign, then I would highly encourage you to personally check out the book , the workbook, and the DVD or CD!


Carol said...

I am excited for you! I always say I want to share Christ, not because I have to, but because I GET to!

Jennifer said...

That sounds like a great book and a great way to get people moving without fear! Just walk across the room! :-)

kpjara said...

I'm having SUCH commenting issues....just in case this didn't take the 1st time...

This sounds worth checking into.

Life's Passionz said...

I just came across your blog.

What a great post! I'm gonna check out that book. I think my husband would love it as well.