Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bloggy Break

Just wanted y'all to know I've got to take a bloggy break. Things are crazy at work with overhead forecasts, and I'm just too exhausted to think about clever and witty things to blog about.

Hopefully, I'll be back next week! Keep your eyes peeled for new posts!


Barb said...

Well, of course. I finally find time to visit and you're on a break. My timing is amazing. LOL

Not to worry. Bloglines will tell me when you're back. :-)

Donnetta said...

I completely understand. I may not be far behind you in needing to take a break!

Seems to be the season...

Sandy said...

Miss ya girl!

Tammy and Parker said...

We'll be here!

Shalee said...

Oh no... not overheads!! Okay, but you better have some mighty witty things to say when you get back...

Love ya and remember to breathe!

Overwhelmed! said...

At least you're considerate enough to inform your readers of your bloggy break. I disappeared for a week without a word to anyone, I just got busy with the 3 kids and my MIL in town for a vist. I had readers emailing me wondering if I was okay. Shame on me!

Stacey said...

We'll be waiting patiently!