Blogger, my blogger, where for art thou?
So frustrated I became with Blogger yesterday, that I sent an email to the Blogger Support people ... it read as follows:
Blogger has only responded with a generic email so far that read as follows:So, I went to Blogger's Status Page and Known Issues Page, and here's what I found out...
The Known Issues Page was of no help to me whatsoever. But the Status Page had information as current as yesterday evening. Here's what it said:
Thursday, June 08, 2006
For many users, Blogger will have been extremely slow or down for most of the morning. We continue to work on fixes for this problem and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible.
Update (4:45p): We are planning another infrastructure overhaul to address the significant problems we've been having in the past several days.
Update (6:59p): We've made another change that has improved performance, but we are also planning to make additional changes this evening.
Now ... My profession is a Financial Analyst. I take financial information, analyze it, and then interpret it, and forecast what the future will be. So ... in keeping with my profession, I will proceed to analyze all the information (not just Thursday's updates) on the status page for you, interpret it, and forecast the future for you ... you know ... to save you from having to think to hard on this whole problem (read: fiasco).
Analysis: Blogger has had several (almost daily) critical infrastructure, database, hardware, and software issues, resulting in unscheduled downtime, and emergency patches and maintenance. They are working hard to resolve all problems as quickly as possible.
Interpretation: Blogger is in a world of hurt, and people are scrambling to make it better.
Forecast: As a result of the universal Blogger Boo Boo, Typepad and Blogsome will see a large migration of new bloggers in the next few days/week.
There you go! My professional, and very technical analysis of what's going on with Blogger. And, if Blogger should feel it necessary to contact me for further professional assistance, I would be more than happy to make myself available to them.
Isn't it frustrating?
Thanks for the breakdown. I was lost without that info. Now I feel that the world can go on as it should.
But what I really suspect is this: I was thinking that since it is June, all the support team took their vacations and the support team to the support team was scrambling to make do until they got back.
Or they were all drinking margaritas on the beach, pushing keys on their laptops, attempting to fix things from afar, and thereby having an excuse to write off the entire vacation as a business expense.
Or satan is really mad at all the prayers, support and discussions we've been having, so he is just trying to screw it up.
I'm going with the latter theory.
LOL! Well, at least we have someone to tell us what's going on! I feel rude b/c I'm not leaving comments! Of course that's part of the whole people-pleasing thing again isn't it? Oh well, we'll get it right sometime and hopefully we'll all be able to tell each other about it in comments!!
I'm so glad you analyzed that and interpreted it. I really thought it was the irony fairies I wrote about and that I was going to have to answer to all of blogdom on this "crash". Whew, I can now breathe! Where's my coffee?
WOW! Amazing breakdown there! :-)
Amazingly I haven't been having much trouble with blogger. Now and then it is fussy but mostly I've been ok.
Maybe it's because I have been forced to spend the majority of my waking hours this week doing other things than "blogging". I haven't had enough time on here to find the problems.
Sounds like I haven't missed much... except maybe some frustration which I DEFINATELY could do without, especially right now!
Gibee, go read my analysis from yesterday!
In the words of Sue from Susie's Space: Blog grrrrr!!!
so what you're saying is satan is an actual payroll receiving employee of
I'm frustrated with Blogger too. I'd leave and move to Typepad in a second, except we can't take our cute blog dsigns with us, right??!! Susie needs to start blog designing for Typepad!!!
I'm sorry you Blogger bloggers have had this frustration these past days. I do admit, it's been trying from this side of things, too. Looks like it's all smoothed out for now, though. Which we can all be happy about...for now.
Great work GiBee, I totally agree with your analysis and I give you an A++!
Good for you, girl! I'm definitely thinking of being part of that migration myself. Just need to figure out how to take my cuteness with me and go somewhere else! Thanks for your expert opinion, friend!!!
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