I had a fleeting moment of sadness today.
It happened when I went to Costco at lunch time, and ran into a friend of mine. She asked if I was on vacation, and I told her "no, just gone for the weekend." Then, I asked her if she had been on vacation, because I had noticed that she hasn't been around for a while (she often takes weekend jaunts to visit her mom).
She got all teary-eyed, and was finding it difficult to put her words together. She told me that she had gone to visit her mom, and had left her kids with her while she checked herself into a hospital for depression. She said that she felt like she was disconnected with her life, her husband, her kids. She said she felt alone. She said she was so sad and overwhelmed by everything. She said she felt like she had no one to turn to that would understand. She said she felt ashamed. She said she didn't know why she felt like she did, which made her feel worse.
It broke my heart to hear those words coming out of her mouth. I could totally relate, mind you, having experienced the same feelings a time or two. And, while I was relieved to know that she would start taking a medication to help her, I was deeply saddened that she did not feel like she had anyone to turn to. I assured her that she could call me any time she felt the need to ... or just knock on my door if she didn't feel the need. But I felt like I had let the Lord down.
Over the past few weeks, she and her family had been randomly popping into my husband and my conversations, and looking back now, I can only relate that to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Had I taken the time to really listen, I would have acted on my initial thoughts of stopping by her home and visiting with her. I know I'm not a doctor. I know I can't cure her. But I can offer support. Friendship. Love and acceptance. Encouragement. I can show her how to reach out to God so she can find that inner peace that I can see she is desperately seeking.
A lot of times, we don't know who to turn to when looking for that peace! Money can't give us that peace; "things" can't give us that peace. And many times, when we don't turn to Christ for the inner peace we're looking for, we end up turning to "things", trying desperately to find that inner peace in our hearts -- purchasing things, overeating, drinking (alcohol), or drugs. Sadly, sometimes these things do give peace. But it is a temporary and fleeting peace that you will find.
We can only find that inner peace in our hearts when we turn to our Lord, Jesus. And, not in a regimented, "schooled" way, either, praying written prayers, or practiced words. It must be in a personal, deep, and longing moment where we totally abandon ourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
God wants us to experience that inner peace, but the enemy does not. He wants to take us down ... one, by one, by one. He will throw lies our way; he will try to fill us with the feeling of defeat and hopelessness; he will try to condemn us; he will pull us limb from limb while performing psychological warfare in our minds.
But God looks down on his children, and hears us when we cry out to him. Even if it is a weak, quite, and soft whisper or whimper. Nothing ... nothing ... can separate us from his love unless we allow it. Isn't that a beautiful and calming thought?
Anyway, I left Costco feeling sad, not because my friend had checked into a hospital for depression. I left feeling sad, because I felt as though I had failed in reaching out to her. It really isn't a matter of whether she does or doesn't have "enough faith," or whether there is "sin hidden in her life," or whether she is praying hard enough or not. And, I acknowledge that I am certainly not the one who can "bring her back on track" or "relieve her of all her sadness and pain" ... only Christ can do that.
I firmly believe that depression is a real illness/disease with physical symptoms; meaning that I feel that depression is not due solely to spiritual problems. Many times, a person battling depression needs medication. And finding the underlying causes of depression can help you develop a plan of action for mental well being. Hence, the need for doctors, which I know God gave the knowledge to for just that purpose. And healthy living is also vital to the health and well being of our mind.
But leaning on God's word, breathing in his presence, surrounding us with his love and joy, and allowing the Holy Spirit to move in your life are all critical to working your way out of depression. Vital, in fact.
If you are struggling with and battling depression (or if you have a friend or relative that might be), know that God loves you. He loves you more than anything and more than anyone in this world possibly can. He can comfort you, and bring peace into your heart. Reach out to someone you know cares for you. Let them into your heart and allow them to minister to you, support you, and encourage you.
I know I'll be reaching out to my friend!
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A moment of sadness...
Has anyone seen the Cheetos?
Anyone? Anyone? Huh???
Hmmm.... Call me crazy, but Hunter ... I think you know more than you're letting on!
(silly little phone-camera pictures on our way home from the beach)
Monday, July 30, 2007
When Your Heart Connects
This post is so important, that I didn't post it last week, because I didn't want it to get buried in all the giddiness brought on by the wonderful, dog days of summer bloggy giveaway. But, now all that is passed and put behind us.
Today, I beg you ... please ... stop what you are doing. Take one brief moment out of your busy day.
Go to this link and read A Father's Summer Trip Road Rules, by Paul Coughlin. I PROMISE (money back guarantee, because it is, after all, a freebie) that you will cackling peels of laughter, with tears rolling down your face. And then ... then ... just when you think you can blame the tears on all your laughter ... nay, nay, nay, I say ... your tears will turn into tears that only leak from your eyes when your heart has been truly touched by something that you fully connect to as a parent. You will enjoy it. (an advertisement box will come up when you click on the link -- just click on the "X" - close - box)
Then, come back and pour forth your thoughts in my comment section.
And just in case you're wondering... he is the famous Sandy Coughlin's husband ... okay ... Sandy is the famous Paul Coughlin's wife... Actually -- they are both famous in my book. They are authors/co-authors, and have been interviewed by Dr. Dobson. I recently won his latest book entitled No More Jellyfish, Chickens, or Wimps: Raising Secure and Assertive Kids in a Tough World and I can't wait to sink my teeth into it!
And ... if credentials like that don't make you famous, than surely, a blog like this, along with a tender, and gracious spirit as Sandy has, will!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
And The Winners Are ...
Ladies, ladies, ladies!!! My heavens, this has been a whirlwind-week! I received exactly 645 entries for the three giveaways. Each entry (or comment) comes into my email box. That means, I have a bazigazimillion emails I had to sort through! My head is aching.
Anyway, just so you know that this drawing was on the "up-'n-up" ... here's what I did to get the winners. First, I separated all the emails into three folders, one for each giveaway. Then, I copied the names into an Excel spreadsheet, in the specific order they were received. Then I went to Random.org, entered the necessary info, and voila ... winners. Randomly selected by one very powerful random integer generating tool... oh, so, so, SO up my alley. Then (yes, there is more), I did a quick search for the numbers that were selected (per giveaway) and got the names of the three lovely winners. Finally ... I emailed them and notified them of their winning status. So fun!!! I feel a bit BobBarker-ish!
So, I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to find out who the winners are... unless you've skipped through all my technical mumbojumbo to read them already. Here they are ...
Drum roll, please ...
Winner of Giveaway # 1, The Joy Bracelet, is... PJ!! Yup. Just PJ.
Congratulations, PJ! I hope you wear your bracelet with great joy!
Winner of Giveaway # 2, The Tommy Hilfiger Purse and Surprise Goodies, is... Momrn2!! She lives at My Quiet Corner. Go visit her ... you'll love her!!!
Congratulations, Momrn2! I hope you enjoy the purse and all of the fine little goodies you'll find tucked inside!
Winner of Giveaway # 3, The Overflowing Bracelet, is... Tina!!
Congratulations, Tina! I hope you enjoy your bracelet immensely!
All winners have been contacted by me, via email and their prizes will be mailed out next week via Priority Mail.
Thank you all for participating! I wish ... oh, how I wish ... I could give each and every one of you a little something ... but a bazigazimillion is just a wee bit too steep for me!
Again ... Congratulations to the winners!
Whew! I'm pooped! I'm off to the beach now. See y'all on Monday, with a great, GREAT post!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
***Cupcake Caper Change***
Due to the Ginormous Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway being hosted by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer, and due to the total distraction on my own blog by said giveaways, I'll be moving the entry due date of the Summer Cupcake Caper Contest to this Monday, July 30, 2007, 11:59 p.m.
There. I feel so much better. I mean, seriously ... how can I expect you to create a fantastical cupcake recipe, bake it, decorate it, photograph it, type up the recipe, and submit the picture and the recipe to me via email by tonight... AND ... go through 450-some chances to win free stuff over at Rocks? How, tell me ... HOW? Today, folks ... Shannon trumps Sunshine, if you know what I mean!
And, just in case you missed that announcement because you were, like me, sleep-blogging due to giveaway-sign-up-ing, then dude ... this is for you:
Giveaway #3 -- the final one!
It's FINALLY here! The LAST of my three Giveaways with the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway extravaganza being hosted by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer... It's just too good to be true!
NOTE: I will be out of town on Friday (with no internet access), so the comments for the three giveaways will CLOSE at NOON on THURS, and the winners will be announced some time on Thursday afternoon. Thanks for playing along!
Here's the scoop:
1) You may enter your name in all of the Giveaways at my blog, but you can only win ONCE at the Kisses of Sunshine giveaways.
2) You DON'T have to be a blogger to participate, but you DO have to have a legitimate email and home address!
3) International participants are welcome!
4) No fees, no taxes, and free shipping. Glory, glory! That in itself is a blessed gift! I will not collect any money from you... ummmm... that's why it's a giveaway!
5) GO HERE to see the entire list of participants, which at the time of this posting, is in the hundreds. I'm totally serious. So you see... you really do have a chance to win something!
What to do: Leave a single comment, along with your email. Duplicate comments/entries and comments/entries without an email address will be deleted. Remember: you do not need to have a blog to enter and/or win, and international participants are welcome to enter, too!
Giveaway #3 -- Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My final giveaway for this week is another unique GiBee Design*... a great reminder for each of us, as well as a twist on Witness Wear -- which I've trademarked Witness Bling™**. It is a darling, handcrafted bracelet entitled The Overflowing Bracelet*, made with the finest sterling silver "message beads," aquamarine Swarovski crystals, peridot Swarovski crystals, fun sterling silver Bali beads, and a sterling silver toggle clasp with an extension.
The following scripture was the inspiration for The Overflowing Bracelet*: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." John 15:11
It was made with the purpose of reminding you that when you place your faith and trust in Christ, He will fill you to overflowing with hope, joy, and peace, and it is all because of Christ's love for you. It is also a unique way to open the door to witness to people around you when they make comments about your beautiful, and delicate bracelet.
May it be a blessing each time it is worn!
*GiBee Designs © 2007 — All rights reserved. All GiBee Designs jewelry is property of the designer. Please do not copy or duplicate in any form. Thank you.
**Official Trademark application filed and in progress. Please do not use this term unless referring back to the owner (GiBee Designs). Thank you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sheer Frustration
We interrupt this Giveawaypalooza to bring you this brief rant ... I have been going from blog to blog for three hours ... THREE HOURS ... and I'm only at number 60 out of one gazillion! What is the secret, people??? It's really, really frustrating to see so many blogs to visit and enter their drawing, and I'm so, SO far behind!
Now, back to the regularly scheduled and all-important Giveawaypalooza, brought to you by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer. Free stuff, people... free stuff!
Giveaway #2
Another Giveaway! The Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway extravaganza is being hosted by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer... It's just too good to be true! I can not believe the response she's had ... so many people have shown up to "play," making this Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway even more fun!
Here's the scoop:
1) I'm going to have several (3) giveaways this week (oh, yes! you read right!), so check back each day (Mon, Tue, Wed) to discover what the NEW giveaway will be!
2) You may enter for all of them, but you can only win ONCE at the Kisses of Sunshine giveaways.
3) You DON'T have to be a blogger to participate, but you DO have to have a legitimate email and home address!
4) International participants are welcome!
5) No fees, no taxes, and free shipping. Glory, glory! That in itself is a blessed gift! I will not collect any money from you... ummmm... that's why it's a giveaway!
6) Comments will be closed at noon on Thursday, and the winner will be announced some time Thursday afternoon (I forgot I'll be out of town on Friday with no internet access).
7) GO HERE to see the entire list of participants, which at the time of this posting, is in the hundreds. I'm totally serious. So you see... you really do have a chance to win something!
What to do: Leave a single comment, along with your email. Duplicate comments/entries and comments/entries without an email address will be deleted. Remember: you do not need to have a blog to enter and/or win, and international participants are welcome to enter, too!
Giveaway #2 -- Tuesday, July 24, 2007
My second giveaway for this week is an adorable (an original, not a knock-off) Tommy Hilfiger purse filled with a few of my favorite "Summer Time Must-Haves for 2007." The purse is a sweet, pale carnation pink (canvas) with black leather trim, fun pink zig-zag stiching, and typical silver-tone Tommy Hilfiger hardware. There's nothing funky about it, but it just screams "I'M A SUMMER BAG!!!"
As I mentioned above, I will be filling it with a few of my favorite "Summer Time Must-Haves for 2007," but those are going to be kept a secret for now, because I'm working on a post about them for next week (so ... stick around for a while and see what I've coined as my favorite "Summer Time Must-Haves for 2007."
So ... leave a comment and best of luck! And don't forget ... the comments to all my Giveaways will be closed at noon on Thursday, and the winner will be announced some time Thursday afternoon (I forgot I'll be out of town on Friday with no internet access).
Monday, July 23, 2007
Giveaway #1
It's FINALLY here! The Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway extravaganza being hosted by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer... It's just too good to be true!
Here's the scoop:
1) I'm going to have several giveaways this week (oh, yes! you read right!), so check back each day to discover what the NEW giveaway will be!
2) You may enter for all of them, but you can only win ONCE at the Kisses of Sunshine giveaways.
3) You DON'T have to be a blogger to participate, but you DO have to have a legitimate email and home address!
4) International participants are welcome!
5) No fees, no taxes, and free shipping. Glory, glory! That in itself is a blessed gift! I will not collect any money from you... ummmm... that's why it's a giveaway!
6) Comments will be closed early Friday morning. Winner will be announced some time on Friday.
7) GO HERE to see the entire list of participants, which at the time of this posting, is in the hundreds. I'm totally serious. So you see... you really do have a chance to win something!
What to do: Leave a single comment, along with your email. Duplicate comments/entries and comments/entries without an email address will be deleted. Remember: you do not need to have a blog to enter and/or win, and international participants are welcome to enter, too!
Giveaway #1 -- Monday, July 23, 2007
My first giveaway for this week is a unique GiBee Design*... a fun, funky, and adorable, handcrafted bracelet entitled The Joy Bracelet, made with the finest sterling silver beads, clear Swarovski crystals, clear hand-blown glass beads with a touch of raspberry, and a sterling silver magnetic clasp.
It was made with the following scripture in mind, so that each time you wear it, it will help you remember it: "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." John 15:11
I pray and hope that the winner of this fun and funky bracelet will be blessed by it each time it is worn!
*GiBee Designs © 2007 — All rights reserved. All GiBee Designs jewelry is property of the designer. Please do not copy or duplicate in any form. Thank you.
Friday, July 20, 2007
A Rare and Incurable Medical Condition
When you run out of things to blog about [read: too lazy to think real hard], you blog about your feet. At least I do. Don't you???
You see, I have a medical condition. But I'll get to that shortly.
About 4 weeks ago, I went and got a pedicure. I went with my sister-in-lovey (Sunshine) and my adorable niece (niece). Why? Well ... the night of my husband's surprise 40th birthday party shin-dig, my niece spent the entire time chasing after my little blessed gift from God who loves to test his mamma's limits, and run and climb, and chase, and squeal, and talk very, very loudly. When ever he feels like it.
You would think this angelic child isn't disciplined by his parents, but lo, he is. Trust me. He is. He is currently best friends with the first step of our stairs leading to the second floor (or any first step that happens to be handy at the time). He is also intimately close with several of our wooden spoons. So, yes. He is disciplined. But, I never said he was a rocket scientist, and it just takes a wee bit longer for him to catch onto the idea that if you throw your plate of food across the room, you might just get a moment to sit on the time-out step. Or other various discipline measures we use. In fact, now that I think about it ... he throws his plate a lot. Maybe he actually enjoys sitting on that step.
Anyway, back to the story. I know it wasn't easy for my little niece to chase after Hunter, and keep him entertained for 2 hours, and her poor little face was beet red and sweaty, too. So my husband, who loves her fiercely, told me to tell her that I could take her to get a pedicure, since she was so helpful. Let me just stop this story for a moment... have you ever seen someone on cloud nine? That would be my niece's reaction.
So, back to the story. Again. I made an appointment, and we all went together, skipping down the sidewalk, holding each other's hands, while merrily humming a melodic tune. Well, not really. But we did go together.
And ... that is precisely where my SIL and my niece discovered my very strange medical foot condition. And they laughed. At me. Although, I'm sure if I asked, they would have said that they were laughing with me. Yeah. Right.
So, today, a friend asked me if I wanted to go for a pedicure at lunch with another friend. I told her I'd think about it, but seriously ... after an uncomfortable week of neck pain, I decided to jump all over that offer. I'm not stupid or anything! But I had forgotten about my little [ehem] condition.
Until the pedicurist began touching my feet. Which, sadly, is a requirement to pedicures.
And then ... then ... it became obvious to all in the salon (pronounced with a decidedly French accent). My medical condition... totalfoottickleitis.
It's sad. It's pathetic. It's embarrassing. It's totally incurable.
It's the kind of totalfoottickleitis that has your whole entire body leaping from the seat, grabbing your spassing leg, while shouting, "NO, IT'S OKAY -- IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHEHHEHEHEHEH -- DON'T -- HAHAHAHAHAHA -- STOP -- HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA -- ON MY -- AAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA -- ACCOUNT!"
Oh, and if it's not embarrassing enough that your friends discover that you are freakishly ticklish on your feet, I did not shave my legs this morning. Or yesterday morning. Hmmmm -- when did I shave last? According to the hair growth, I would guess three days. Not that it matters. To you, anyway. But ... when you're getting a massage, which was the best one I've ever received from anyone in the entire world ... you tend to be a little bit self conscious about copious amounts of hair growth on your legs. Where you're receiving the massage. Which was the best in the world. Did I mention that? Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost ... for all thy blessings of pedicures and leg massages. Amen.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Bask in it's beauty, share God's love with someone, and for heaven's sake ... go to church and enjoy some good old fashioned worship, fellowship, and enrichment!!! Oh, yeah ... and don't forget to watch The Next Food Network Star finale, Sunday, at 9pm/8c. If you didn't vote, so sad, too bad ... it's closed now. But tune in to see who won!!!
"Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!" Psalm 47:1-2
Smooches (in a French sort of airy and pedicured way).
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A ROYAL Pain in the Neck
Here's the thing ... Sometimes ... stuff happens that you're embarrassed about ... but that "stuff" ends up putting a real kink in life.
For instance ... I hurt my neck this past weekend. It was the wee hours of the morning (3:00 a.m., to be exact). I was stretching in bed, and at the same time, I was turning over to my side... when ... SHAZAM!!! Pain just slammed me in the back of my head, neck, and shoulder areas.
As the weekend progressed, so did my pain. It went from a level 7-8 pain, to a level "GAZILLION," and didn't seem like it would stop. It triggered a series of cluster-like headaches behind my eyes and at the base of my head where it meets up with the neck -- worse than a migraine, and one right on top of another.
But do you think I went to the emergency room, or an urgent care clinic? Why, no, thankyouverymuch. Because, some of us still have pride. And since I wasn't rear-ended by a mac-truck, or hit head-on by a stray taxi cab, or anything glamorous like that, I wasn't about to go and explain to a doctor that I injured my neck "real bad" while stretching. In bed. Oh ... the laughs I would draw from that! I can just hear them now! (Oh -- that's my girlfriend here at work laughing at me.)
But by Monday, I had noticed a few things: 1) I had become very, VERY clumsy. More so than usual. 2) I felt like my head had been bashed by a sledge hammer ... right behind the eyeball area, and then again at the base of my head. 3) I had pain radiating down my neck, into my shoulders, and down my spine to about mid/top level of my back. 4) I discovered what "seeing stars" really means. 5) I learned that when someone is in dire pain, they will do whatever it takes to get rid of the pain (like take 3 Aleeve, 5 Advil, and 2 Extra-strength Tylenol all within 4 hours of each other -- I'm just saying ... some people might do that).
So Monday, I decided I had enough, and I went to the doctor, who didn't laugh at me (thankheavens) ... but did, however ... prescribe a muscle relaxer and pain pill. I HEART my doctor. Sort of. Because he's a little weird, but other than that, I heart him. (disclaimer: saying he is weird is not ridicule and I'm not being unkind -- I'm using the word "weird" to describe that he is "different" in the way he practices medicine)
But did you know that a whole new level of responsibility goes along with the taking of said pain pills and muscle relaxers? Oh, yes, my friends. You are handed the pills, you take them, you find relief, and then ... then ... stuff starts happening that teaches you new lessons about the meaning of a little word: responsibility.
For instance ... yesterday, I wrote my post for Works For Me Wednesday, spell checked it (sort-of), posted it, and went along on my merry way. Do you think I remembered that I needed to put my link to the post on Mister Linky at Shannon's place? Nope. I didn't. Total memory lapse. Responsibility lesson #1 while on drugs: Never do anything that requires more than one step, or any amount of concentration whatsoever. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself ... "gee, that's not so bad!" Yeah ... maybe not, but take that little example and compound it through out the day on everything you do. It gets pretty bad, pretty fast.
And then ... later on in the day, it became very apparent to me that my mouth (and mind) becomes rubber-like when on said drugs. I was feeling all relaxed and comfortable, and whatnot. You know -- rubbery. And pain-free ... did I mention that? Anyway, here's an example of what I mean: As I was walking down the hall, someone said to me, "How are you doing?" as they passed me. I replied, with something like: "uhm fun an lu?" And that said, I give you ... Responsibility lesson #2 while on drugs: Never open your mouth to say anything while on drugs. Ever. You'll get busted -- guaranteed.
Having said all that ... I shouldn't have been surprised when someone came by my cube during the day, and we got to talking about something, and she said ... "Janette has that, doesn't she?" And for the life of me, I couldn't remember who in the world this Janette chick was. I looked at her funny, and said, "Who's Janette?" and she looked at me even funnier, and said, "Janette -- the civil estimator that you work with every day?" To which I replied, "oh, JANETTE. Yes, I know who you mean..." (while feeling absolutely st-oooo-pid). Responsibility lesson #3 while on drugs: Don't get into any deep, meaningful conversations ... and if you do ... always pretend like you know what you're talking about.
So, today, I'm not taking my medicines ... and let me just say ... the pain and discomfort is back ... at a level 5 ... so not as bad as Monday. But, at least I can operate heavy machinery. Or talk without using Martian-ese as my language of choice.
Finally, a word of caution ... taking muscle relaxers and pain killers will NOT make you amorous, in fact, it will put you to sleep the second you hit the pillow.
Oh, did I mention that I was TOTALLY convinced that yesterday was today ... as in Wednesday was Thursday, and not indeed Wednesday? It's the drugs. Trust me. But now that I don't have any in my system, you should do what I'm planning on doing, and head off to BooMama's at noon, central time, and click on the link to register for a free Monk and Neagle CD! Oh, yes ... it's today ... Thursday!!! WOOT!!!
In the mean time ... where's my extra strength Tylenol??? Where oh WHERE??
Please forgive me ... I'm just not my USUAL!!! CHIPPER!!! CHEERFUL!!! JOYFUL!!! self this week.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Summer Goodness - FREE STUFF!!!
I can NOT contain my excitement any more. I was going to wait until I actually had pictures of my own prizes before I posted ... but my own excitement won out. I just HAVE to share with you some fun stuff going on!
For your winning pleasure, and in order of timely action takingness ... I give you a list of free give-aways and contests...
First ... head on over to Sandy's blog ... Reluctant Entertainer ... for your chance to win a free Outdoor Movie Night kit and book: The movie will be chosen with your particular family in mind, the book is titled No More Jellyfish Chickens or Wimps, by Paul Coughlin, and snacks and surprises will also be included in the box -- You need to enter NOW!
Next ... TOMORROW (don't be like me and think today is tomorrow, when indeed, it.is.not) go to BooMama's blog and click on the link to enter to get a free Monk & Neagle full-length CD -- there are only like, 100 of them -- so get on over there in a prompt and timely manner (just not today, because some of us are lame enough to have done that -- ehem).
____________________________________________________________________Then ... Miss Shannon over at Rocks in my Dryer is hosting a
Dog Days of Summer Giveaway
There are lots, and lots, and oh, heck ... TONS and TONS of people participating, with TONS and TONS of free giveaways, including me! So, check it out on Monday, July 23 ... start off at her place, and make your way through all the people on the Mister Linky to enter your name to win free stuff! WooHoo!
____________________________________________________________________Finally, I'm hosting the hotest Summer Cupcake Contest on the blogging planet -- well, it at least it IS a cupcake contest -- anyway, make sure you go check out the Rules & Regulations and submit your entry to me via email by midnight, Wednesday, July 25. The list of prizes include, but are not limited to: A Nigella Lawson Apron with various Cupcake and Food Graphics; Nigella Lawson Cupcake Tea Towels; a beautiful Mary Lake-Thompson apron with graphics of cupcakes and baking goodies (includes a real wooden spoon); various cupcake baking tools and paraphernalia; a piece of cupcake jewelry; a limited-edition hand-painted Cupcake Stand by GiBee Designs [ehem] ... and posibly more! Stay tuned for pictures.
Oh, my aching head ... so much to sign up for ... and so little time!
WFMW: In-between Hair Coloring Tip
John Frieda's Luminous Color Glaze is what works for me right now ... seriously ... it's the BOMB!!!
This is such a lovely product! I know by the time I'm done explaining it ... you're going to want to go HERE to find your very own shade of glaze!
Simply put, glazing is your life-line between hair coloring. I personally don't color my hair ... I highlight it... but a long time can go in between highlight sessions, and my hair can have long roots, and curly grays everywhere by the time my hairdresser actually makes it out to my home for another highlight.
So, she recommended I use this product in between highlights or coloring. It simply infuses your hair with color that attaches itself to your grays, lessens the roots, and brings out the highlights. I've been told it's a "vegetable coloring" base, so it is safe for your hair, and it only takes three (3) minutes in your hair for immediate results.
Beside the added plus of umph power to my highlights, it temporarily covers up my grays, and leaves me with shiny, soft, conditioned, and refreshed hair. PLUS -- they have a CLEAR glaze that just gives off all kinds of crazy shine!!! It's just crazy-craziness, I tell you!!!
I love it ... it cost me about $7.49 at WalMart, and I'd pay that again, and again, and again for the fabulous salon results I got in my own, mildewy shower!
Be sure to head off to the fabulous Shannon's Rocks in my Dryer for more awesome tips, and fabulous Summer Giveaway news!!! It's big ... BIG, I tell you!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Four Faves Meme
I've been tagged again! Jana over at Quick, Before I Get Sidetrack'd tagged me for the “Four Faves” meme ... so for all of you that want to know even more about me, this post is for you!
Four jobs I've held:
1. Construction Economics and Commodity Analyst
2. Financial Analyst
3. Media Manager in an advertising company
4. Mommy and Wife (okay -- THIS ONE is the best!)
Four movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Steel Magnolias
2. Love Comes Softly -- the whole series (Hallmark Channel)
3. A Walk in the Clouds
4. Erin Brockovich (the cleaned-up TV version)
Four places I have lived:
1. My parent's house
2. My In-law's house
3. An adorable historic "country cottage"
4. The house I'm in now
Four TV shows I watch:
1. The Next Food Network Star
2. The Closer
3. Any Cooking Shows
4. House
Four places I've been on vacation:
1. Maine
2. Lima, Peru
3. St. Croix
4. Cancun
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Peruvian Ceviche (oh, my heart be still)
2. Spaghetti and Meatballs with Meat Sauce
3. Steak
4. Guacamole
Four websites (other than blogs) I visit:
1. Yahoo Mail
2. Bible Gateway
3. Google
4. Christianbook.com
Four people I’m tagging: (if you would like to play along, of course)
If you haven't done this Meme already, consider yourself tagged!
Friday, July 13, 2007
A Sweet Reminder -- Summer Cupcake Caper Contest
UPDATED to add some of the prizes -- see text in GREENBecause I didn't want to end my week on a BLAH note with my previous post, I'll take a moment to remind y'all about the especially wonderful Summer Cupcake Caper Contest that Kisses of Sunshine (me!) is hosting.
Take the next couple of weekends to come up with a special-fantastically-delicious cupcake recipe (or give credit to whoever came up with the recipe), bake a batch, frost it with home-made frosting, make it real pur-tee, take a digi-picture of it, type up the recipe to both the cupcake and the frosting, and attach the recipes and picture in an email and send them to me at kissesof.sunshine@yahoo.com no later than MIDNIGHT, July 25 ... and you ... yes, YOU ... will be entered in the most awesomest cupcake contest known to all as ... the famous Summer Cupcake Caper Contest.
Update: I forgot to include a brief list of some of the prizes ... to whet your appetite: A beautiful Nigella Lawson Apron with various Cupcake and Food Graphics; Nigella Lawson Cupcake Tea Towels; a beautiful Mary Lake-Thompson apron with graphics of cupcakes and baking goodies (includes a real wooden spoon); various cupcake baking tools; a piece of cupcake jewelry; a limited-edition hand-painted Cupcake Stand by GiBee Designs [ehenm] ... stay tuned for pictures.
Cupcake Contest Rules and Guidelines:
1) The cupcakes can be made with a box mix, but must have some extra "stuff" thrown in to the recipe to make it a "scratchy-boxy-homemade" cupcake ... but if you can make it totally from scratch, all the better!
2) The cupcakes must have a 100% completely home-made frosting. No ifs, ands or buts on that rule!
3) They should be as original as possible. Take this time to discover new flavor combinations, and search the web for interesting ideas. There are a lot of cupcake blogs out there to discover, so use them as a spring board for ideas! Just be warned ... I read many of them, so if the recipe or combination is someone else's, please be sure to credit them
4) The recipe used for both cupcake and frosting must be provided upon submission via email to: kissesof.sunshine@yahoo.com, no later then midnight, July 25, 2007.
5) A picture of your frosted creation must be submitted via email to: kissesof.sunshine@yahoo.com, no later then midnight, July 25, 2007.
6) You must have actually baked, frosted, and taken a picture of the recipe you are submitting.
The winners will be judged and chosen based on the following categories/criteria:
1) Most scrumptious-est cupcake - This will be the "first place" prize given to the cupcake that is the most moist, with good crumb, good flavor combination, and delicious taste combination.
2) Most extravagantly and/or outlandishly decorated cupcake.
3) Most likely to be eaten by children.
4) Most decadent cupcake for adults.
Crazy Mary -- Part Two
I received a comment yesterday about my post ... Crazy Mary. I wanted to respond to the commenter, but she didn't leave her email address, and I felt it was important enough to address her comment here on my blog as a separate post, just in case anyone else felt the same way she did. Here is the comment that Amanda left me:
"But...this woman needs help and, at the very least, companionship a few times a day. I see ridicule and unkind words here. We all have neighbors who are not like us; is every neighbor a case-study? Is every human being a case study?"Dear Amanda,
I do not agree with your comment that Mary needs "help." I have gone by her home several times this past week, and she is very independent and manages very well on her own. I would, however, agree that she needs companionship. I had mentioned to my husband numerous times this past week that I would like to take her some of the cupcakes I will be baking during my cupcake contest and sit and chat for a while. We (my husband and I) both agree that she is lonely, and this would be a good thing for me to do.
As for your comment about "see[ing] ridicule and unkind words" ... I'm sorry you feel that way. If you spend any time here at Kisses of Sunshine, then you know that I am not an unkind person. I simply relayed the conversation exactly as it occurred. I did not label her "Crazy Mary" -- she introduced herself as that in a joking manner.
Finally, I think that there is a lot more behind the following comment you made: "We all have neighbors who are not like us; is every neighbor a case-study? Is every human being a case study?" My answer to that is ... yes, we all have neighbors who are unlike us, and NO ... every neighbor and human being is NOT a case-study. And neither is Mary. I don't know the motivation behind that part of your comment ... I don't know if you have ever experienced unkindness from a neighbor, and you are particularly sensitive to this issue, or if you may have seen unkind treatment of another neighbor. But Amanda, I assure you ... I am not an unkind person, and if anything, I am quite the opposite and tend to lean heavily on the side of compassion, kindness, and generosity.
I think it's important to point out that many times, the written word can come across as flat -- it doesn't carry the author's inflection or intonation. We ALL say things that are tongue-in-cheek, we ALL read things with a different slant, and we ALL poke fun at one point or another. We are, after all, human. My post was not meant to be hurtful, and I'm sorry if you, or anyone else felt put-off by it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
5 Things I Love About Jesus
I was double-tagged by both Carol at She Lives, and Beth from Life With Two Little Vikings and I must say, that I was thrilled to be tagged for this Meme ... and once you read it, you may want to play along too -- so, consider yourself tagged!
Here are the "rules":
- Those tagged will share 5 things they "love" (dig) about Jesus.
- Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
- Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their name so that others can read them.
Here are 5 things I love (dig) about Jesus ... and really ... it's hard to stick to just 5 because there is so much to love!!!
1. I have hope, because His mercies (compassion) are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:21-23) No matter how much a person may have sinned, or how far a person may have strayed from Christ, or how mean one can be ... his compassion for us never, ever stops. It is deeper than any pit of sin we might relish in, it is further than the boundaries we may have strayed to, and it is all encompassing -- for me, for you, for everyone.2. I am showered daily by God's glory, and majestic beauty -- it is shouted out to me from the heavens! (Psalm 19:1) Literally! Each day when I come home from work, there is one particular spot that sits at the base of the mountains, and without fail, each day I am consumed by the beauty that God lavishes to me -- the sunset behind the mountain, the clouds with purple light behind them, the yellow finches that zoom by and perch close to the street, the storm clouds that form and look so plump, so inviting ... his beauty is everywhere, and ready for the "taking."
3. His love endures forever, and ever, and ever (Psalm 107:1) ... even when I feel I can't go on any more ... his love is right there for me. Even when I put up walls ... his love is right there for me. Even when I'm crushed ... his love is right there for me. He is so, so very good. After all ... He puts up with me!!! Imagine that!
4. He has a plan for me!!! He has a plan for my husband!!! He has a plan for my family!!! He has a plan for my son!!! He has a plan for you!!! (Jeremiah 29:11) Friends -- that is the one thing that keeps me on an even keel ... because no matter what my own plans might be, God has an ultimate plan for my life, and no matter how badly my own plans turn out, God's plan is always the best -- it is one that will prosper me ... protect me ... give me hope ... and a future. I may never be the wealthiest woman in the world monetarily speaking, but I am the wealthiest woman in the world spiritually speaking!!!
5. He provides me with a joy that leaves me full and overflowing! Even when I'm at my whits end, and it looks dark and frightening, and things are just falling apart ... His joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5c) Have you ever been camping, and noticed how cold and dark it is right before the sun comes up? In fact, it's a proven, scientific fact that the coldest part of night is just before dawn. And at that very moment, have you ever noticed how long it takes for the sun to burst through the clouds? Many times, sorrow we experience can feel like the coldest, darkest time in our life ... and we just can't see any joy. But even though our sorrow and weeping may occur, God's joy comes bursting forth. It casts those dark spots aside, making everything clearer, brighter, and more joyful! It's a promise! From God! And no matter how dark your "spot in life" may appear ... his joy can fill you up, and it is far more encompassing, and far more satisfying than sorrow! Hold onto that promise!
My five to tag (if they are interested and willing): Shalee (don't put this one off, girl!!!); KPJara; Susanne; Barb; Momrn2
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
WFMW: Working With Garlic
Works for Me Wednesday is hosted by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer ... Be sure to head over and check out all the neat tips and tricks!I love to cook, and over the past few years, I've discovered some very simple tips to help you when working with Garlic.
First, when buying garlic, choose garlic that is plump and firm, and has dry skin. Never purchase garlic if it has begun to sprout, because it will be bitter to the taste. I have been frustrated in the past, because many of the markets sell really hard garlic (which was developed for longer shelf life). Some are so hard that they have actually broken a cast-metal garlic press I use!!! So, if you are a die-hard garlic fan, and love the flavor of fresh garlic, try getting it at a farmers market, or at a "common-market" that carries organic foods. FYI: A neighbor of mine once gave me a garlic plant, and it was the best garlic I have ever had ... it was mild, and sweet, and delicious, and she assured me it was easy to grow ... I'm just to lazy to look up how to do it
Next, I have found a couple ways to easily remove the skin from garlic. The first method is by just giving it a strong whack with the flat side of my knife. It pops the garlic, and bursts the skin, enabling me to pull it off easily. The second method is one of my preferred methods. It requires a bit more work, but it leaves me with my garlic bulb intact ... I cut off both ends of the piece of garlic I'm using. That releases the skin, and it slides or peels off easily.
I love this next tip ... If you use garlic frequently, then you know that it tends to stick to the knife when you slice, chop, or mince it... so, when I've peeled my garlic, and I'm ready to chop it, I will either spritz a tiny bit of no-stick spray onto my knife, or I will get a paper towel and wipe a little bit of oil over my knife. The garlic chops and minces beautifully, without sticking to the knife
I store my garlic in a dark, cool place. Unfortunately, it does begin to "sprout" little green shoots. The garlic is still good to use at this point, but you will want to cut off, and discard all of the green shoots before you use the garlic. It tastes very, very bitter ... trust me on this one ... I found out the hard wayFinally, if I want crushed garlic, I turn to my trusty Pampered Chef garlic press. Honestly, I have purchase many a garlic press in my life time, both expensive and inexpensive, and I have found this press to be the very best. It is a molded metal that has been made into a fine tool, and it will crush garlic with or without the peel. I will usually cut the ends off of each side of the garlic bulb before I place it in the press so that it will squeeze out as much flesh as possible. I LOVE this tool, and it totally lives up to its reputation and cost.
Well ... That's all I have this week ... but it sure works for me!!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Crazy Mary
Yesterday evening, Hunter and I sat on our front porch enjoying a pohlooloo (Popsicle), and just chillin' ... after all, it was a cool and balmy 95 degrees at 7:15 p.m. Sweet.
I noticed that someone pulled up to my neighbors driveway (across the street) and got out and walked over to where they were sitting (right in front of the garage) and sat down and began to chat with them.
About 15 minutes went by, and Hunter finished his pohlooloo, and I was trying to wrangle him into the house for a bath, when the same woman came across the street and called out for me.
She introduced herself as Crazy Mary, who lived on the corner of YoYo and YadaYada streets (obviously, make believe names)... and shook my hand.
I recognized her immediately, and asked her if she was the one who waved to people as they drove by (I just didn't comment about the pajamas and robe she usually wears).
Oh, yes, indeed, she was. And she was also the one who would wave her dollar-store broom in the air (I know this, because she told me it was from the dollar store), and she would also wave her hose up in the air while she danced around like this... (imagine her dancing in a circle like a ho-down), because she just loves people like she loves Jesus, and if she's not waving to them, she's hurting them.
Yeah. That's a nice thing to hear!
At this point, I tried to excuse myself because I had to get my son, the one who kept making a mad dash for the street, into the house and give him a bath, and Mary took that moment to inform me that she has been picking up the trash from the main street, and you just couldn't imagine how many nails and screws she picked up this week, and she showed her collection of nails and screws to the Mayor, who happens to jog on the main street she lives on, oh, about now, and he told her she was doing a fine job collecting the trash (as she bent down and picked up some wayward duct tape that had found it's way under a parked car in front of my home and handed it to me -- in between me chasing after Hunter while acting natural, trying to look polite, and hollering for my husband to come.out.here.and.help.me.NOW.). I only hollered three times, because evidently, the third time was a charm, and my husband heard me, hallelujah, praise the Lord!
At this time, she asked me if I knew that her neighbor, the one who used to ride a scooter around the neighborhood, passed away Saturday evening at about 7:15, because he had 7 forms of cancer, and had various innards removed, but no one really knew he had cancer, and his viewing is Monday night from 7 to 9, and the family would be so happy if I would visit with them for a while. And, wasn't it nice that my neighbors personally invited her to attend all of our street BBQs and gatherings? That was just so kind of them, because she's singlenow, because her husband died 5 years ago, but she's not a home-wrecker. No sir, she doesn't wreck homes and she doesn't date married men, even though she's single.
Y'all -- my head was absolutely spinning and ready to explode (and I was starting to feel like I was living a BooMama Minute with Martha & Sissie, only ... Mary's crazy, and they are not, and really, it's nothing like Martha & Sissie). At that very minute, my husband set foot on the front lawn, I thanked her kindly, for the 5th or 1,000th time, and walked away. While she was still talking. At which point she said goodbye (sweet, sweet words to hear) and went across the street to another neighbor who had foolishly, foolishly stepped out to water his plants and flowers.
And me? I rushed to get the phone and called this neighbor's wife and warned her about Crazy Mary, but fortunately, the other neighbor who had already been subjected to a conversation with Mary, was already calling her, and HEY! Why didn't he call MY house?
So, later on in the evening (well after Crazy Mary left) I went out with my husband (around 9:00 pm) to help watch him take the trash out, and our kind and caring neighbor came across the street to apologize for Crazy Mary's conversation with me. And after mentioning to him that I would have appreciated a call to my husband so he could come out and save me too, I proceeded to thank him for inviting her to all of our BBQs and gatherings, assuring him that she indeed planned to attend them. All of them. Every single blessed one. He seemed mildly surprised to hear that he and his wife had personally extended this invitation to Crazy Mary.
Which doesn't surprise me in the least.
And, I assured him that it was all good, because of course, I now had excellent material to blog about. He told me to have a good time with that, and honestly? I have.
So, y'all come on by this evening for our neighbors viewing ... it's from 7 to 9, and if you miss it, stop by Crazy Mary's house and tell her I sent you!!!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Because for some reason...
... Shalee really needs to know!!! More!!! About ME!!!
She tagged me 14 days ago for this Meme, and I'm so swift and efficient, and I'm just getting to it now. Aren't I a great friend? And... now that you know it's a Meme about me, you can skip this whole post and move on to something more satisfying in your day ... like plucking out your eyelashes one by one.
Anyway, for this meme, I'm supposed to list 7 things about my teenage years... the years I care NOT to relieve (read my first point) ... but for some odd reason ... some people liked their teen years. Although, I must admit ... one GREAT thing did come from my teen years (read number 8). Here we go:
1) I was painfully shy. I'm not exactly sure when that changed, because, ohhhhh, did it change... but needless to say, I was very shy back then.
2) I would go over to my friend's houses to spend the night, and would call my mom at midnight and cry and beg her to come pick me up. I was totally a home-body... remember the whole shy thing I mentioned in #1? Yeah.
3) I went to a small Christian school of 90 students. My graduating class was a whopping 16 students. I loved it. (refer to number 1 ... again)
4) Jesus ... if you're listening ... you can leave now! You don't need to hear this!!! Once, I got so mad at a boy that was mean and hateful to me and my friends. We conspired to make him sick as all get out, and when his parents went out of town, and he stayed with another family, we put our heads together, rubbed the words off of exlax chocolates, smoothed out foil with our nails, carefully re-wrapped an entire bar in the shiny foil, and slipped it into his lunch bag that was in the school's kitchen. He ate it at lunch time, and proceeded to spend the entire afternoon in the bathroom. The hall stunk. We laughed. It was great. Lord, forgive us anyhow.
5) I went to a public school for 7th grade, and I met this freckle-faced boy who I became friends with. He always was nice to the underdog kids. I used to kick him under the table during class -- you know ... a gentle flirt here and there. I was so subtle.
6) This freckle-faced boy's grandma went to the same church we did, so when I went to private school in 8th grade, I would still see him from time to time.
7) I re-met this boy in the 10th grade at a Christian Youth Skate Night ... Roller Skating. I saw him from a distance, and was immediately smitten. The freckle faced boy had turned into a handsome, buff teenager. But, if you remember my problem from point number 1, you'll understand when I say, I didn't have the nerve to approach him. So my friend did it for me. And each time he'd skate past me to see me, I'd duck behind a half wall, and when he asked me to couple's skate the last song, I grabbed my girlfriends younger, disgusting brother's hand and said I was skating with him.
8) Because every story has to have a happy ending, I'll throw in number 8 -- I went on to date this freckle-faced boy, and married him after 8 years of dating him. I've known him a total of 28 years, and count the first day I met him back in 7th grade as a blessed, blessed gift from God. Man, I love him, and I pray that our little boy turns out just like his daddy!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
So, there you have it!
Since I'm so bad at tagging people ... consider yourself tagged!!!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Cupcake Contest -- A Summer Cupcake Caper
Good morning! It is with great pleasure that I kick off the Kisses of Sunshine Summer Cupcake Caper!
If you want to participate, a picture of your creation, along with a typed recipe for both the cupcake and the frosting must be submitted to me via email no later than midnight, Wednesday, July 25th. The judging will begin on July 26th and run through August 12 (there's a lot of baking we'll have to do!!!). The winners will be announced on Monday, August 13th.
I have two guest judges that I'm really excited to have working with me on recreating your master pieces ... the first one is our very own, Shalee. Shalee has two children, a great husband, and she loves to cook, bake, and is très excited to participate!
My second guest judge is my wonderful buddy from church that you often read about in my writings ... Trendy Church Chick. She is a Pampered Chef consultant, also has two children and a wonderful husband, and loves to cook and bake. In fact, nothing she's ever made has ever, ever disappointed me ... she's an awesome cook! She is also very excited to
Here are the rules:
The winners will be judged and chosen based on the following categories/criteria:1) The cupcakes can be made with a box mix, but must have some extra "stuff" thrown in to the recipe to make it a "scratchy-boxy-homemade" cupcake ... but if you can make it totally from scratch, all the better! (no you can’t add poison ivy, itching powder, or fire ants to get the scratchy effect)
2) The cupcakes must have a 100% completely home-made frosting. No ifs, ands or buts on that rule! (This means you too, Big Mama!)
3) They should be as original as possible. Take this time to discover new flavor combinations, and search the web for interesting ideas. There are a lot of cupcake blogs out there to discover, so use them as a spring board for ideas! Just be warned ... I read many of them, so if the recipe or combination is someone elses, please be sure to credit them.
4) The recipe used for both cupcake and frosting must be provided upon submission via email to: kissesof.sunshine@yahoo.com, no later then midnight, July 25, 2007.
5) A picture must be submitted of your frosted creation via email to: kissesof.sunshine@yahoo.com, no later then midnight, July 25, 2007.
6) You must have actually baked, frosted, and taken a picture of the recipe you are submitting.
7)Bribery with the judges is optional, but highly recommended. They really like chocolate, purses and massages.
1) Most scrumptious-est cupcake - moist, with good crumb, good flavor combination, and delicious taste.I am currently working on procuring prizes from various vendors. Once the list of prizes have been finalized, I will post them.
2) Most extravagantly and/or outlandishly decorated cupcake
3) Most likely to be eaten by children
5) Most decadent cupcake for adults
If you will be participating in the contest, or you would like to advertise the contest on your blog, please use the official graphic and link it back to this post.
Please feel free to contact me via email with any questions you may have.