Wednesday, February 20, 2008

WFMW: The BEST Kids Bible EVER

Works for me Wednesday is hosted by the ever-so-exhausted Shannon from Rocks in my Dryer... click on over to check out hundreds of other great tips!

Okay -- I may be alone in this, but... my two year old's span of attention is that of a gnat. Yes, he is a very active, on-the-go boy, who is, after all... Superman. So, getting him to sit down and read books is hard ... but do-able ... if it captures his attention. Especially if he can FIND STUFF on the pages (sort of like ... where's Waldo).

I have tried several kids Bibles, but they are either over his head, or I get bored with them (I know I'm reading to HUNTER, but if I GET BORED, think how HE gets?!). At two, I think a lot has to do with the pictures... but I have found one totally incredible Bible that TOTALLY works for us! It has such a fun, "rhymie" style that I can really act out for Hunter with drama in my voice... and seriously... if you know me, then you know I'm all about DRAMA! I think Superman takes after his momma.

Anyhoo -- a friend of mine asked me for suggestions for a good Bible for her daughter about eight months ago, and I never got back to her. This weekend, she's having a birthday party for her daughter, and while I was out shopping for a gift for the party, and getting totally discouraged with all the "I'm a Hotty" outfits for little 4 year olds, it dawned on me... I should get her that Bible! She'll love it! And guess what??? So will you...

Well, that's enough suspense ... the Bible is called Growing Readers Phonics Bible. It is perfect for ages 3 through 8 (or higher). Each chapter focuses on a phonetic sound like er, ou and ow, th, etc. The pictures are bright and colorful, and the Bible includes stories from Genesis through Revelation! How often do you see that?!? By the way... this is the Bible I used to read most of the stories for our Jesse Tree at Christmas time.

Right now, it is $13.99 at (or $14.24 at

Here are pictures and excerpts from the first chapter that I got from

So... that's what Works for Me...

Have a great day!


Angela said...

Hi! I love it that you posted this today - I have been searching for a children's Bible myself, and have bought many, but not one has been "the one" yet. My daughter is 4 and my son is 2 (I think a couple months older than yours from the counter on your blog...) and I like the way this one looks and reads! Thanks so much for your input - I am going to check it out... =)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! My kids have really enjoyed the Jesus Storybook Bible, but now that my oldest is into letters and trying to read, this might be even more appropriate.

Karyn-for-you said...

very, very good. It has been my pet peav, if you will, that childrens bible's are soso simplified that tehy don't even make sence!! I will be checking out this Bible, Thank-you so much!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

what a blessing this is to moms everywhere. Do you think my 19 year old son would read it? Ha. just kidding. Sort of.

Donnetta said...

I've seen many different children's Bible's but hadn't seen this one yet. It looks great! I'm going to have to check it out!

Laura said...

Thanks Gibee, I've added it to my Amazon wishlist!!

Sandy said...

Hi GiBee - we used so many different bibles/devotion books w/our kids. Ah, such great memories. Now I've passed those books down to younger mommies with small kids.
Hey- have you had your mystery dinner yet?

Carey said...

We have this bible. My daughter uses it all the time.